Update Newsletter & Investment Update
National Waqf's inaugural newsletter highlights Ramadan fundraising successes, raising over £82,400, and the purchase of their second income-generating waqf property. Your continued support ensures lasting charitable impact.

Dear Supporter of National Waqf,
I pray that this email finds you in the best of faith and health.
On behalf of National Waqf, I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude and thanks for your invaluable support and ongoing donations. Jazakumullahu khairan!
We at National Waqf have been keen to enhance our communication and transparency with you, our valued donor and supporter. I am therefore pleased to share with you our inaugural newsletter update.
We pray that this newsletter will become a means of keeping you informed about the impact of your donations and learning more about National Waqf's activities.
In this update, you can learn more about our fundraising successes during the month of Ramadan and our latest property purchase for the Public Waqf. We are pleased to inform you that your donations have been put to excellent use and are already generating returns, giving you increasing rewards.
We are excited about the future and look forward to sharing our journey with you. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Please take some time to read through this update and share your thoughts.
Together, let's re-imagine giving! Jazakumullahu khairan and Thank you!
Aadil Patel (CEO) on behalf of National Waqf team
Ramadan Fundraising Update

Alhamdulillah, over the past few months, including the blessed month of Ramadan, the National Waqf team has been diligently fundraising for our second waqf property. Our campaigns have encompassed the following initiatives:
- LaunchGood - an online fundraising drive where we created dedicated pages for volunteers, staff, and other stakeholders, successfully raising a remarkable £67,809.
- Masjid fundraising - A heartfelt JazakAllah to all the masjids and community members who graciously accommodated National Waqf's fundraising efforts during the month of Ramadan. Through your generous support, we collected a total of £10,208.48 across 11 masajid.
- Children's moneybox campaign, A Waqf is for today, tomorrow, and forever! - We piloted our first children's fundraising competition during the month of Ramadan in three institutions in East London. Allahumma Barik to all the parents and children who participated, collectively raising £3,542.30.
- MyTenNights - We joined an automated donation platform to help donors maximise the rewards of Laylatul Qadr, equivalent to more than 1000 months of charity. Alhamdulillah, this initiative raised £841.04.
Investment Update

Alhamdulillah We Have Purchased our Second Property for the National Waqf Portfolio!
As you are aware, National Waqf has a long-term strategic view towards charitable giving. This involves investing your donations into safe, shari'ah compliant, and income generating assets. The result is that your donation will continue to generate returns for years to come, Insha'Allah.
We are excited to share with you that our investment department has wasted no time in putting your valuable donations to good use. As promised to our donors, we have purchased our second property in our Public Waqf portfolio (as of May 2024). Details regarding this property can be found below. This property is now generating a monthly rental income of £2,100 which we aim to distribute in grants at the end of this year in line with our investment and grant giving policies.
We are humbled to have made achieved this landmark so soon in our journey and can only thank you for your support in making this happen.